Rauxenne Geajeux

A Lady of Shadow Standing Within the Light

Her Story

From Ishgard to Eulmore to the ends of the Universe...


She is quite the photogenic lady

More information

A collection of IC and OOC on Rauxenne and her Muse

The Story of Rauxenne Geajeux

Rauxenne Geajeux grew up in a well to do Ishgardian family, originally training to be a dragoon. During her training it was discovered that she was a heretic, her own faith being of Hydaelyn, something she developed as she learned she was gifted with the Echo.Fleeing from Ishgard she made her way to Limsa Lominsa where she took the name Crescent Fogmire and began learning at the Arcanist’s guild. During her time in Limsa she was recruited into the Crystal Braves.Upon their disbandment she aided the Scions traveling the world helping others. During the threat of Garlimald’s use of Black Rose, Rauxenne was pulled from the source by the Crystal Exarch where she aided in restoring the balance of that shard. Using what she had of her Dragoon training she was successful in restoring the first though it has left a permanent taint upon her, having been poisoned by umbral light.When she returned to the source she took up the study of Sharlean Astrology. It was durring her studies here that she was asked to travel back to the first to aid in the past. During this visit she began to travel with a small blue bird. Rauxenne is rarely seen without her new companion.

Rauxenne's Gallery


Further Information

IC InformationName: Rauxenne Geajeux
Alias: Crescent Fogmire
Heritage: Wyldwood Elezen (Ishgardian)
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 32
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: She is sarcastic and with a dry wit. She does her best to carry herself as an Ishgardian woman. She is quick to lighten the mood with humor if she can or lift the spirits of those around her. She does not like talking about her childhood though she is proud of her home and how it is growing following the fall of Thordan.

OOC InformationDatacenter/Server: Crystal/Goblin